Garden room wifi is becoming very popular with a growing number of people working from home, it’s increasingly common to have a converted barn, shed, summerhouse or out-building being used as a garden office. Those who choose to work in a garden office can find that WiFi from their router won’t reach the office. Perhaps this is why you’re here, reading this article?
You’ve probably tried relocating the router to the windowsill nearest the garden, pointing it towards the outbuilding. But you might find this still won’t provide a stable wireless link to the external office or it suffers drop-outs. This can even adversely affect the WiFi coverage in your house.
What’s the solution?
Well, the simplest solution is to have an external ethernet cable install to the shed/office (shoffice) from the router. But if this is impossible to do or the length is to long to carry a cable then a point to point installation would be better for Garden room wifi.
Let’s assume you have an external office in a summer house approximately 30 – 300 metres away from your house, which already has power but no internet connection. For example, the house already has a Broadband connection with a WiFi router in the hallway. The garden office has two PCs, a network printer and you would also like to use a laptop and iPad wirelessly in the office. You can’t get a signal in the office from the WiFi router in the house but you want to share the Broadband without having to pay for another line.
The way to do this is with a WiFi point to point link. Having a dedicated WiFi link between your house and the office will provide the maximum data-throughput and stability between your home Broadband and Garden room wifi, with no drop outs. At the garden office end you’re presented with an Ethernet connection which can be connected to a data switch in order to provide connectivity for all your devices or to a WiFi access point, providing WiFi for your iPad and laptop.
What is a WiFi Point-to-Point link (PtP)?
WiFi Point-to-Point links consists of a pair of outdoor WiFi access points that face each other. One on the external wall of your home, and one on the outside of the garden office. This link runs on a completely different frequency to that of the house WiFi, so it doesn’t cause any interference or affect the range in any way.
Extending WiFi to an office isn’t difficult or expensive. With a multitude of WiFi links to cover range, speed, size, and pretty much every scenario, it’s certainly the way to go if you want to work in that garden office come rain or shine.
Still unsure? Why not speak to one of our WiFi experts for free advice using the contact details below.